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Traffic control in a sentence

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Sentence count:103+1Posted:2017-06-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: air traffic controltraffic congestiontraffic circlecontrolling accounttraffictraffic jamtraffic signtraffic lightMeaning: n. control of the flow of traffic in a building or a city. 
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61. Therefore, how to design and improve existing traffic control system is the important research content.
62. Today ISCS is the main form adopted in domestic subway construction, and will trend towards deep integration and traffic control center.
63. This thesis is carried out based on the central air-condition control project of a city traffic control center.
64. Multisource traffic information processing is the key to cooperation between urban traffic control and dynamic route guidance.
65. In order to ensure a safe and smooth running route for all runners, traffic control measures will be in place throughout the race and a cut-off time has been set.
66. There are many traffic control schemes based on thresholds of buffer in ATM networks, which will be active to decrease the traffic rate according to the buffer occupancy.
67. Dalian all weather air traffic control stations, the success of the secondary weather forecasting process and provide users with accurate weather information.
68. Satellite antenna on the roof of Air Traffic Control Complex.
69. This thesis mainly studies the urban traffic control system and traffic simulation software TSIS 5.1.
70. Representatives of the pre - qualified tenderers visited the Air Traffic Control Centre.
71. Traffic lights of modern urban traffic control system command of the most important component.
72. Recently, advanced traffic control system attention and gets a quick development and application in the world.
73. Father of Exam Taker, said, "Nowadays, everything seems to have been adjusted to make way for the exam takers, including those from the traffic control center and the medical staff."
74. This new contract rationalises operational maintenance services for the Air Traffic Control equipment into a single and flexible performance based arrangement.
75. The study says there must be a complete overhaul of air traffic control system.
76. In addition to typical production environments, this technology is also successfully used in the traffic control area, in monitoring and signalisation systems as well as in the energy sector.
77. Traffic control will be achieved through our extensive high - tech GPS system.
78. When he realized that one engine was not working the pilot alerted air traffic control center.
79. There are hundreds of planes trying to get into the Haitian capital, but the temporary air traffic control system just hasn't been able to keep up.
80. The performance of air traffic control system was evaluated by using Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) .
81. Take air traffic control.
82. Julius Caesar was the first government official to order a traffic control act.
83. We anticipate meeting a lot of opposition to our new plan for traffic control.
84. Chinese women in broad-brimmed straw hats wield shovels and brooms across from a modern air traffic control tower designed by a company from Singapore.
85. The key technologies of flight map information system are presented in this paper according to the real requirement of air traffic control system and controllers.
86. Firstly(, the basic theories about urban traffic control system are discussed.
87. Kuafu radar system is valuable for improving the stealth capability of battlefield radars, and can be applied to civilian radars for port and airport traffic control systems.
88. The antiquated air traffic control system used today is an example of accidental complexity.
89. This paper presents a traffic control system based on CEBUS.
90. The traffic control tower at an airport uses radar screens.
More similar words: air traffic controltraffic congestiontraffic circlecontrolling accounttraffictraffic jamtraffic signtraffic lightheavy traffictraffic signaltraffic lightsdrug traffickingcontrolin controlcontrolled economycontrolledgun controlself-controlout of controltake controlbirth controlcontrol groupuncontrolledunder controldamage controlcontrol systembeyond controlremote controluncontrollablequality control
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